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15. How do I make my ShowMe standout and get noticed?

We love featuring the excellent lessons created by our community members--yours included! There are a few easy steps to get your ShowMe noticed:

1. Make sure your ShowMe has a clear and informative title
2. Make your ShowMe Public and Include Topics
3. Be Interactive! People are more likely to see your ShowMe if you are watching lessons created by other community members and clicking the Like button when you see an awesome video.
4. Keep Your ShowMe Short and Concise. If you've got a lot to cover, consider breaking up your lessons into a few shorter ShowMes!

Additinally, if you are creating elaborate courses or series of ShowMes, you can send us a Tweet, Facebookmessage or notify us by emailing to so that we can promote your ShowMes too.

More details on how to make your ShowMe stand out on the blog:

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